09 September 2008

Quick Reasons Why We Homeschool

Homeschooling our children was not a decision we came to quickly or easily. The discussion began in our family before we even had our first child. Homeschooling is a big commitment and a lot of work that we believe will have many benefits to our family.

There was no single issue or reason that made us decide to try homeschool, there were several. There were a few major reasons, though. The first had to do with the time our kids were away from home. They were gone from 7:30 to 4:00 and when you factor in homework, baths and dinner, there was almost no time left with them. The reality of this schedule is that their teachers spent more time with our kids than we did. How do we fulfill our responsibility as parents to train up our children if we never see them? We really desired the ability to spend more time with our kids during these early years of their lives to know, train, and equip them for when they become older. Homeschool provides us with this opportunity.

Another major factor in this decision is the issue of stewardship. We were given these kids by God and entrusted with the responsibility for their care. We have had our kids in christian school because we believe that the teachers and curriculum there best reflect our worldview and and the values of scripture that we teach in our home. Public school, or government school as I call it, was never an option for us for reasons that I could write a book about. As our children (3 of 4) have come to school-age, we have had somewhat of a crisis in our budget as christian school is not cheap. This is where stewardship came in again. It became an issue of living above our means and we either had to work more, cut more, or find an alternative. Homeschool became an opportunity not only to spend more time with our kids, but also relieve the financial pressure that tuition has placed upon us. Our financial resources are now freed up for other things that benefit the family and others.

God did not give the responsibility of raising our kids to the state, teachers, or even the church. That responsibility goes to the parents. These others play a support role. Too often, I found myself relying heavily on these other entities as I didn't have time to do it or was too tired to put in the effort. But God has laid it on our hearts to take an active role in training our kids. Our example to our kids has a real effect in in their lives. Their spiritual training, for example, is incredibly important. If we as parents rely primarily upon the church for our kids spiritual training then how serious do our kids thing we are about spiritual things? Will our kids think that God has first place in our lives if the only time they hear about Him is on Sunday? You do not need to homeschool to teach your children about God in the home, I just threw that in there at no extra charge.


Sarah said...

I'm throwing all my 'best wishes' at you! Trying not to hit you with them, but wishing you all the best with homeschooling. It is a huge undertaking and I know you two will do a great job with it! Give those adorable nieces and nephews hugs and sloppy kisses from there Aunt. Ok, ok, throw in a few pinched cheeks, that is what I am supposed to do as the Aunt. :)

Dave Rusco said...

To Mr. and Mrs. phone guy. I'm proud of all you homeschoolers. As God puts before you this awesome, and wonderful challenge...

He will also enable you.

Not your responsibility,
but your response
to God's ability.