With the decision of our state supreme court regarding homosexual marriage taking effect this month, I have spent some "windshield time" thinking about this issue. I'd like to share a few thoughts.
Are we really surprised that our culture by and large is okay with this? Romans 1:18-32 brings the case against mankind. Mankind has ignored the natural revelation of God and followed after gods of his own making. He has become wise in his own mind and Godly truth has become foolishness to him. Verse twenty eight says God gives them over to their debased minds. It is no surprise to me that our culture approves of wickedness, scripture tells us it will (v.32).
What makes homosexuality so much worse a sin in our minds? We see in I Corinthians 6:9-10 that sexual sins of all kinds as well as "lesser " sins such as theft, drunkenness, and covetousness will keep one from heaven. Look at verse 11, some of the church in Corinth were doing these things before they believed. It is not up to us to determine which sins are worse than others or who can and cannot be saved.
Some of us worry or fret about the condition or nation is in politically. While I advocate Christians being involved in the political process, the political process is not where our hope lies. We belong to the kingdom of heaven and our King is in control of all rulers and authorities. In fact, they are appointed by Him (Rom 13:1-2). Jesus, the King of kings, told His twelve disciples to be of good cheer just before He was executed by the Roman government who, by the way, was far more corrupt than our government (John 16:33). Why? He has overcome this world. Our hearts should break for these people who, like others, need to hear the gospel. It is the duty of the believer to share the gospel with love to everyone in humbleness. Ephesians 2:1-10 teaches us that without God's grace given to us, we would be dead in our sins too. We would be just as lost and Godly truth would be just as foolish to us if God had not made us alive spiritually. I like the parable of the Pharisee and the tax collector in Luke 18:10-14. Rather than condemn others for their sin, I need to humbly confess my own sins, then share the good news with others.
Christine's 1st Birthday Blog
10 years ago
Preach it brother!
Which is worse: legalized same-sex marriage or legalized divorce?
I know God doesn't recognize the former and hates the latter. They both stink. But we seem to put more passion into the former and more passivity into the latter...
I'll stop before I ramble.
thanks for your thoughts Don.
Great to see that you are writing with such conviction. I have been examining the same thing in my own windshield time and have often wondered to myself "am I any less sinful?" or "what about the unwed mother?" As humans we sometimes place a degree on the sin as if Paul was wrong when he said "all have sinned" we change it to "all have sinned, unequally" I believe that in God's eyes sin is sin! It is wrong and seperates us from the love of God in Christ Jesus. Fortunately for us God's grace covers a multitude of sins.
If we are willing to share the love of Christ with others perhaps his grace would empower changs in lives and remove the stentch of sin weather it is homosexuality, divorce or the lust in our own hearts.
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