04 June 2008

Marriage and Christ

I attended my cousin's wedding this last weekend. It took place in a park-like setting in the middle of an orchard just outside of Shafter. The wedding went very well and it was nice to visit with family I have not seen in a while.
The wedding coordinator had a few games up her sleeve for the reception and because my son created allot of attention to me behind my back, I was chosen to play one. Five of us were chosen to wear various hats and asked to perform a dance to "YMCA." I lost the contest (appropriately enough, I wore a hard hat), which was just as well since the winner performed solo to "I'm too Sexy." Thanks, Nathan.
Driving home that night with marriage fresh on my mind, I began to think about the command Paul gave husbands concerning their wives in Ephesians 5:25-33. Husbands are told to love their wives as Christ loved the church. How did He do this? He gave up His life for her. Have you ever stopped to think about what that means? First, Jesus, Creator of the universe and part of the Godhead, left His position in heaven and became a man, submiting to earthly authorities as was the Father's will. This was the ultimate act of humbleness, the Creator becoming the created and subjecting Himself to the rigors of our lives on this cursed planet and ultimately allowing Himself to be put to death by mere men. Given this ultimate act of humbleness, we husbands can certainly humble ourselves in our relationship with our wives, not abusing the position given men as head.
Secondly, we see Christ's selflessness. We were not deserving of anything but punishment, but Christ took the punshment for us. We are too often selfish in our relationships. The standard Christ has set demands a selfless love of our wives. Selfless love is unconditionally committed to the welfare of the one loved regardless of personal cost.
Lastly, Christ displayed how He loved His church as His own body. Marriage is the picture Paul used to show the relationship Christ has with His church. As we became one with our wives according to scripture, so the church has become one with Christ. Christ cares for His "body" and one day the church will be presented to Him without spot or wrinkle. Do we care for our wives this way? Christ has set the bar high again. Paul tells us that no man hates his flesh but cares for and nourishes it. We must care for our wives as we do our own selves. To not care for her is to neglect your own body.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

I would pay money to see that video of you dancing to the 'YMCA'